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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"Green" Tea for St. Patrick's Day

"Going Green" is probably one of the most overused phrases of the past year, but of all days to use the phrase, what day could be more perfect than St. Patrick's Day? So, I would like to turn our attention, not to green tea, but to going green with tea.

Celestial Seasonings has partnered with Trees of the Future, a nonprofit organization that helps poor villages in Asia, Africa, and Latin America by planting trees. I learned about this partnership from Lisa over at Stop and Smell the Chocolates, and had to check out what was going on for myself.
From now until March 31, Celestial Seasonings is making a donation to Trees of the Future for every box of tea purchased. If you can't make it to the store, you can visit their website, http://www.celestialseasonings.com/trees/index.html, and plant a virtual tree. For each virtual tree that is planted, Trees of the Future will plant a real tree. And, as a bonus, you are automatically entered into a drawing to win Celestial Seasonings tea for a year at one box per week. I've already planted my virtual tree, and they tell me that it will remove approximately 50lbs of carbon dioxide from the air each year.
Doing something good for the environment and economy couldn't be any easier, so head on over to Celestial Seasonings and do your part.
An opportunity to help the environment and win a year of free tea - what could be better?

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